Category Archives: apache

ApacheCon US 2007 Update

Yesterday I did my talk on Open Source Community Antipatterns. I am always nervous talking about community stuff in front of an Apache crowd, because these are folks who have a huge amount of cumulative experience in this area. There were some good questions and several people asked me if the slides would be available. I’ve put them up on the page with some of the other for ApacheCon US 2007. I was happy to have that under my belt.

I also co-hosted the ApacheCon Lightning Talks with Brian Fitzpatrick, last night. The Lightning Talks at ApacheCon are very entertaining, to the point of really being part of the entertainment as opposed to being part of the technical program. A no slides rule helps keep it that way. Kudos to those brave folks who gave “straight talks”, and to those who found ways to make their funny talks relevant somehow. Thanks to Fitz for asking me to do it with him — I expect Wilfredo Sanchez to be returning to his regular spot as the co-host, though.

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ApacheCon US 2007 is now in full swing

The main conference portion of ApacheCon US 2007 has now started here in Atlanta. We’ve already had two days of tutorials and the Apache committers’ Hackathon.

I’ve put up a set of pictures on Flickr and will be updating them throughout the week.

Best of the 2.25 days so far: Doc Searl’s keynote about the live web, including ProjectVRM.

ApacheCon US Early bird deadline is Sept 22

This year’s ApacheCon US runs from November 14-16, 2007 and will take place at the Westin Peachtree in Atlanta, Georgia.

Here are some of the talks that I am especially interested in attending:

I will be giving a talk titled “Open Source Community Anti-Patterns”, and I am thinking of trying to organize some kind of photography BOF/event whatever. If you’d be interested in that, leave a comment.

Early bird registration has been extended to September 22, so register now if you are planning to attend.

Greg Stein mugged

Kevin Burton reports that Greg Stein, who is a friend and has done a lot to help open source in a variety of ways, was mugged last Friday. In addition to the things that Kevin listed, Greg has been very involved in getting Google to fund students to work on open source projects via the Google Summer of Code program. If you want to do something nice for Greg, Kevin’s post has the details.

It’s all about the governance

About a month ago, when talking about the prospects for more open RIA technologies, I wrote:

I’d hope that we could do better than both the W3C or the JCP for Flex/Flash or OpenLaszlo.

After yesterday, I think my reasoning ought to be obvious. FAQ link for those new to the issues. Stefano and Ben, as always, find a satisfying way to put it, and Redmonk’s Steven O’Grady has a fair minded analysis.

The details of Java and Apache aside, I would call this whole situation a case study in how not to setup the governance for something open. I have never been a fan of the JCP process because Sun has always had rights that no other participant had. To Sun’s credit, the process has become considerably more open since the JCP was created in 1998. On the other hand, that openness is the result of *years* of hounding by the ASF and other organizations, and now, 9 years later, there are still hiccups. The world is a different place today in 2007 than it was in 1998, and general understanding of openness and community are much greater than when the JCP was founded. I would hope than anyone setting out to build a governance model for some piece of technology would look long and hard at the lessons (good and bad) of the JCP experience.