On Friday I was notified that I will not be making the transition from Sun to Oracle. Sun was a company filled with talented and energetic people, and I am grateful for the chance to work with them.
Pythonistas (and others) may be wondering what this means for dynamic languages at Oracle. I wish I knew. I don’t have any direct knowledge of this, since I’ve never actually spoken to anyone at Oracle about the topic.
I am definitely looking for another opportunity. During my time at Sun I’ve worked on a bunch of Python related stuff, as well as a few things related to cloud computing. Other skills in my repertoire include server side development (Java and Python), open source community work, and engineering management. I’m definitely open to different possibilities. The about page of this blog has my contact information, and my LinkedIn profile is a pretty good summary of my credentials.
Sorry to hear of the loss of your job, Ted. I’m confident that you’ll find something interesting to do for your next context.
Sorry to hear that. I wish you well…I’m sure you’ll find something great.
Best Regards
It has been the ultimate privilege to work with you. Your technical knowledge and speaking abilities are world class…but more importantly is your humanity. You come second to NO ONE!
Praying our paths (professional and social) cross again.
Anyone who is going to lay off Ted Leung doesn’t have much of a future. Time to short some stock 😉
Sad to read… Would’ve loved to work more with you (assuming our team can stay, obviously).
I’m sure you’ll find new, interesting challenges. Good luck!
Ted, I’m really sorry to hear the news, and I wish you the best of luck in finding a better job. As much as I’m sure you will have no problem in landing on your feet, I can understand this is a frustrating moment.
Hang in there: I’m positive it will turn out for the best. If I can be of any assistance, do not hesitate to ping.
Hi Ted. I’m sorry to see you go. I actually work at Oracle and looked forward to meeting you, but looks like that may need to happen elsewhere.
Good luck.
Not surprised, really.
How many prominent oss people do you know of working at oracle?
Sorry to hear it. Sounds like a blunder indeed.
As an Oracle-using geek, this seriously scares me. http://catherinedevlin.blogspot.com/2010/02/hey-oracle.html
WHAT can they be thinking? Ted, you’re a rockstar, and I agree with @sogrady you won’t be on the market for long. Let me know if I can help in any way.
Hey Ted,
I recommended you to a friend who is working in a stealth OSS company right now in Europe. I’m not sure he needs anyone right now, but you’d be amazing.
Hope you find a great opportunity soon.
Sorry to hear that! I’m still waiting to hear my fate: whether Oracle want me, and if so whether it’s on terms I’m happy with. I guess UK management is taking a little longer over informing us.
Sorry to hear about the forced transition, seems like their loss. (You probably didn’t want to do database sales anyway!)
I don’t think you would have stayed with Oracle anyway, but it would have been nice for you to make that choice instead of them. There is nothing wrong with Oracle. They are a good company. I just don’t see that you and them are a good match. I know you will find an excellent opportunity soon.
Seriously, I cannot see you as part of Oracle, a company that has torn apart companies with its ‘Acquire and Develop’ philosophy rather than ‘Research and Innovate and Develop’. I am sure the right company will seek you out soon. Good Luck!
Real sorry to hear this. All the best with whatever great adventure awaits you next.
Sorry to hear that – it seems that Oracle are making a few big mistakes with the acquisition. Best of luck in finding your next gig.
Good lord, this is depressing. You and Frank (Jython) were the only reasons I was considering Oracle products for any of my projects. I’m not going to reward bad behavior.
Well I am sure a few more doors will open for you when this one was closed. Good luck !
Sorry to hear about Oracle’s mistake :(. Interested in moving to Boston? :). Good luck no matter where you end up!