Python in NetBeans: NBPython

One of the obvious things that Sun could do in the Python world is to make Python a supported language in the NetBeans IDE. Netbeans has really nice support for Ruby and Javascript, so why should Python be left out? So today Sun is announcing that a future version of NetBeans will provide support for Python. We are not announcing which release of NetBeans that will be because we are taking an unconventional (at least for NetBeans) path towards providing that support.

Before Frank Wierzbicki and I were even hired by Sun to work on Python and Jython, Allan Davis, a member of the NetBeans community, decided to start implementing support for Python in NetBeans in a project called NBPython. What we’ve decided to do is to work together with Allan and the rest of the NBPython community to produce a high quality Python plugin for NetBeans. The plugin is an early stage of development, but if you are brave, you can get Milestone 4, from the NBPython page and try it for yourself. If you decide to do that, you might find this blog post helpful with the installation – you will need a nightly build of NetBeans – NetBeans 6.1 will not do). Geertjan Wielenga from Sun did an e-mail interview with Allan Davis that has a few more technical details in it. There is plenty of work to do, so if you are interested in helping, drop into the development mailing list.

A month or two ago, the Sun Developer Network (SDN) started up a Ruby developer center. When that happened, I twittered to see whether there was any interest in a similar site for Python, and a number of folks expressed interest. So I am happy to announce that the Python developer center is now up and running. This is just a beginning for this site, and we are definitely looking for feedback and suggestions on this.

15 thoughts on “Python in NetBeans: NBPython

  1. Pingback: People Over Process » links for 2008-07-09

  2. SK

    this totally rocks . as a past Java programmer and a current python programmer, i can’t wait for this stuff (nb)(jython)(python)(django)(glassfish)? to come together ! Go Sun !

  3. David Strupl

    Hello, you are lucky to get more funding than I used to get. There were attempts to support python in NetBeans something like 7 years ago in the scripting project (NB 3.x) and project coyote (NB 4.x and 5.x) – see the link. I wish you good luck and hope that you will get more mature support than what we were able to do years ago. Best regards, David

  4. Pingback: tecosystems » Dynamic Languages and IDEs: What’s the Market?

  5. Carla King

    Hi Ted, Thanks for helping develop the website! I hope it meets the communities needs – creating a good orientation/starting point – guiding folks to all the relevant areas in the Python community, on the Sun Developer Network, NetBeans, Cool Tools… I’ll be watching this space for comments on the site, or folks can contact me directly at with comments on the site at Thanks again!

  6. Nathan Fiedler

    Awesome! Really looking forward to updated support for Python in NetBeans. I’ve been using the JpyDbg plugin, which does not work well enough for daily use.

  7. Pingback: Netbeans et Python | PoXd

  8. Pingback: IDE’s and Dynamic Languages at Ted Leung on the Air

  9. Carl


    Nice job so far, Keep up the great work!!!!

    I installed NetBeans 6.5 and NBPython milestone 6

    1. unzip nbm
    2. plugins area in netbeans
    3. install ( got a unsuccessful install until I rebooted IDE)
    4. create project.
    5. runs fine with code complete.

    Where is the incremental debugger?

    Java and Python (a pretty cool combination)

  10. Pingback: Python in NetBeans at Ted Leung on the Air

  11. Laszlo Marai


    Where do I find the nbm? The wiki at says that it should be available through the netbeans update center (Tools/Plugins in the IDE), but it’s not there. Also I’m not able to find an nbm build I could only get the whole IDE.

  12. Laszlo Marai

    OK, just for the record, in the end I downloaded the version that seemed to be the whole IDE and it nicely integrated itself into my existing netbeans 6.5 installation.

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