Ted Leung on the air
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Sun, 02 Mar 2003
XP and the Paperless Office
I've started reading
The Myth of the Paperless Office, a book that I've seen referenced in any of a number of places. The approach of Chandler is rearranging my reading stack (okay, the order in which the library fulfills my hold requests plays a part too).
In Chapter 2, "What's Wrong with Paper" there are a pair of case studies on companies that went paperless. In the success case study, there was an interesting observation: the company that succeeded in going paperless discovered that their design process documents
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became less and less important, losing life as time passed by. In terms of using these documents to trace decsions and aid recollection in future design processes, DanTech found that they were hardly ever reused or retreived. This is not because DanTech did not learn from its design processes and constantly endeavor to improve; it was rather that the learning and knowledge were embedded in the minds of DanTech's design staff, not in the documents those individuals produced. In other words, despite the manager's best efforts to leverage the knowledge in their documentation, ultimately the knowledge resided in the minds of the engineersThis account made me think instantly of eXtreme Programing's de-emphasis on heavyweight documentation and design artifacts. Sellen and Harper were not looking at software development methodologies (in fact, DanTech is probably not a software outfit), they were studying how paper gets used (or not used).

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