Ted Leung on the air
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Thu, 16 Jan 2003
What to do about the classpath problem?
The classpath problem is getting written about a lot today:
James Strachan
out Classworlds, the
underpinning for Uberjar. He also relates uberjar to static linking.
I would like to see a "dynamic linking" solution, where we don't have
to create uberjars, and we don't need a centralized description of the
jars that we need.
Ted Neward wants
a new JSR that will deal with the issues of versioning and Jar-to-Jar
Markus Kohlher thinks
(and I agree with him) that we should specify the dependencies (and
versions) within the jar files. He points out that the jar file spec
already defines a Class-Path attribute.
A number of solutions to this problem have been proposed, but none has
really come to fruition. At the ASF, we've had jjar,
and now Maven. There's also a cjan project at
Sourceforge. There might be even more than this.
This is a problem that needs to get solved -- a number of people are
taking cracks at it. I wonder -- is there a way to get this happening
faster? I know Ted Neward is interested in a JSR and Markus is working on
code. I've looked at the jjar code a while ago and talked with some
Maven folk about this problem at ApacheCon.
[10:25] |
[computers/programming/java] |
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