Ted Leung on the air
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Tue, 26 Aug 2003
Posted by Pingback from Ted Leung on the air : computers/programming/xml/588 : StAX + XMLBeans == Java XML APIs at Thu Sep 18 01:07:39 2003
Posted by Pingback from Ted Leung on the air : computers/programming/1039 : Is the language the only problem? at Sun Jul 25 22:32:01 2004
It's not just the langauge, it's the libraries
Chris Winters posted an
embarrassing comparison between the Perl libraries and the Java libraries for a simple task. Unfortunately, for Java, use of the libraries rapidly blows up the code. More code == more opportunities for bugs. It would be instructive to see C#, Python, Ruby, Lisp/Scheme, and Smalltalk versions of this. It just goes to show that the design of the libraries is just as important as the design of the language. This is related to Kim's overuse of abstraction posting about abstraction and syntax. Designing libraries is about designing syntax. It's nice that the libraries provide a large number of abstractions. But it would be nice to have some additional "syntax" for the common case.
[01:33] |
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Well, this is the code I use to gunzip the results of http queries that answer gzipped contents in BottomFeeder:
Posted by James Robertson at Tue Aug 26 05:48:10 2003
stream := GZipReadStream on: gzippedContents from: 1 to: size. result := stream decompressAll contents.
Posted by James Robertson at Tue Aug 26 05:48:10 2003
Having worked with both, I think MS got a better handle on this with .NET, for example, you can use XmlDocument.Load(String) to load from a URL, or XmlDocument.Load(File.Open(String)) to load from a file, as opposed to the Java (DOM) way of creating a factory, creating an InputStream, etc. That said, sometimes it's not obvious when given a single string argument whether that string is a URL or a file path - they're not interchangeable. Now if C# had a REPL, you could just do a quick experiment...
Posted by Gordon Weakliem at Tue Aug 26 12:37:34 2003
Posted by Gordon Weakliem at Tue Aug 26 12:37:34 2003
Posted by Pingback from Ted Leung on the air : computers/programming/xml/588 : StAX + XMLBeans == Java XML APIs at Thu Sep 18 01:07:39 2003
Posted by Pingback from Ted Leung on the air : computers/programming/1039 : Is the language the only problem? at Sun Jul 25 22:32:01 2004
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