Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
My drooling over Aperture produced some other thoughts.
In the wake of this month's Web 2.0 conference, there's been yet another round of "all applications are moving to the web". Aperture is an application that would be very hard to do on the web. I'm trying to imagine Aperture's multiple display support in a web app. I suppose that I can, but it's pretty unpalatable. My XT can shoot 3fps in RAW mode. Each one of those RAW's is 7MB. Now imagine any decent sized gallery of them, including some stacks of bursts. That data is not going to move over the web anywhere near fast enough to be responsive.
The attention to UI is one of Apple's strengths (when they remember to do it) and from what I've seen, they pulled out the stops for Aperture. Good UI does matter. And it takes a certain kind of skill and taste in order to make that happen. It's more than the flashy visuals. Aperture appears to work the way that I wish I could work with my photos. The designers took the time to understand the work needs and patterns of their target audience, and then built that in.
While I was watching the videos, some part of my brain overrode a bunch of things that I've spent a bunch of time writing about on this blog. Did I care that Aperture is written in a low level, mostly static language like Objective-C? Nope. Did it bother me that I couldn't get the source code, or access the community of developers? Nope. I'll probably change my mind about that once I return to my senses. But the visceral reaction that I had to Aperture is a big reminder that the final result matters a lot, not just the process and technology.
As I said, it looks like Aperture will be very fun to use. I can't say that I feel the same way about the tools that I use day to day for writing programs. Where are the incredibly fun programming tools? I did Emacs, Eclipse, some IntelliJ, WingIDE, and a few more. None of them are really all that fun to use. Many of them take out some of the tedious tasks associated with programming, but none of them give me that feeling that they are enhancing my creativity or thinking. Computers should extend the mind, hands, eyes, and ears.
Recently, I've felt kind of down on Apple, because of some difficulties I've been having with my hardware. I was also quite happy with my Ubuntu experience, and I was sort wondering if getting off the Mac and onto Ubuntu would be a mart idea. Aperture is not an app for everybody, but it is for me. More importantly, it represents the spirit of the Mac, which is a spirit that I think is still missing from the Linux and Windows communities. It is hard to get me really excited about a piece of software, and my reaction to Aperture is one that I haven't had in a long time.
I am torn between the two cultures: the innovative culture of the Mac that has brought forth apps like Aperture and NetNewsWire, and the culture of open source, which emphasizes participation and liberty. When will an open source project produce an app that's at the level of NetNewsWire or Aperture?
Maybe I've just been drinking too much Kool-Aid.

That generally requires lots of cash, as well as an exceptional setting, which is hard to find in the OSS world.
Also, you're not crediting Objective-C+Cocoa enough. As you well know, it's a highly runtime-dynamic language with a fantastic library (including new development-accelerating tools like Core Data). In the hands of experts working in the target domain of the tool set, it's probably as nearly as fast and flexible as Smalltalk.
Posted by Chris Ryland at Thu Oct 20 11:15:26 2005
Posted by Luis Villa at Thu Oct 20 13:15:57 2005
Plus, Apple's not standing still. It's hard to replicate their kind of focus on the wide spectrum of things (applications, Cocoa, Core graphics/image/sound/video/database libraries), OSS or not.
So color me skeptical that OSS will ever produce an Aperture. Or maybe it'll be produced in 10 years when what's in the current Mac OS underlayment has been commoditized.
But by then Apple or their equivalent will be well onto the next challenge.
Posted by Chris Ryland at Thu Oct 20 14:11:52 2005
I don't think that the money is necessarily the obstacle -- there are a decent number of folks getting paid to do open source stuff now. I think that it's the spirit or culture that is the problem. Also as Luis mentioned there's the issue of the toolkits. One of the biggest challenges that we have with Chandler is the GUI toolkits.
Also, I don't literally mean a media app like Aperture or Final Cut. I was using Aperture as a proxy for "category opening application with a really good user interface"
If OSS cannot produce actual innovation then it is doomed to failure in the long run.
Posted by Ted Leung at Thu Oct 20 23:11:49 2005
Posted by Trackback from Agylen at Fri Oct 21 00:58:51 2005
I agree with Chris' comment. Obviously open source folks and Apple have divergent goals, so they are rarely going to meet where you want them to.
As for change in the open source culture, maybe the popularity of Firefox and Flock will get people thinking about being more daring.
Posted by didier at Sun Oct 23 16:42:20 2005
While I like Firefox, it certainly wasn't the first web browser, and while its user interface is better than IE, it's not really a revolution in usability.
Also, I don't think that you can categorize all open source people (or all of Apple for that matter) into one bucket.
Posted by Ted Leung at Sun Oct 23 23:56:50 2005
Regarding no access to the source: OS X and some of its core technologies are built on open source such as Darwin, BSD, and SQLite. In that sense, Aperture utilizes OSS.
For the curious:
Posted by Chris Murphy at Wed Oct 26 21:34:59 2005
I'm not saying that Objective-C is not a powerful langauge, but I've seen enough memory smashes to feel that it's not my idea of ideal. It's a hybrid, and when you can stay in the Smalltalk like subset, yes, you're right. But when you are back in C land, you are back in C land.
Open Source is not mostly about access to the source, it's about the community development model.
Posted by Ted Leung at Wed Oct 26 21:54:31 2005

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