Ted Leung on the air
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Mon, 15 Sep 2003
Sun is the original champion of open standards so it/they know the tradeoffs between going for ECMA, ISO or roll-your-own standard via the JCP. Overall, ECMA is merely a rubber stamp slightly better than an RFC. The ISO standardization process is so slow that either progress halts or the final standard is obsolete by the time of approval. ISO standardization is what slowed down and bloated C++ so much that Java thrived.
By contrast, the JCP works very nicely.
Dynamic languages are not new and the buzz has always been there, only now, it is not crowded out by major new Java developments because Java is stablizing. Dynamic languages are fun to use interactively, but suffer greatly when it comes time to deploy--either it is uncompilable (Scheme continuations) or gets so ugly from pragmas that the fun is gone (Common Lisp).
Java is the first language that relies on a virtual machine to see wide adoption. Java succeeded because of the JIT compiler can optimize it in situ to be very close to the speed of C. Any language system with more dynamic language features beyond dynamic dispatch won't be able to compete in the mainstream.
Posted by Paul Baclace at Mon Sep 15 20:52:58 2003
It would be convenient to write off my statements as some kind of blind faith, but your comments about Sun and ECMA standardization certainly looked shallow to me and motivated me to spend the time to post a comment. I am more interested in understanding and spreading good ideas than expressing opinions. (Did I write anything about EJBs? ;^)
I think your Sept. 16 posting, which spelled out your desire to fork open source, clarifies your position. Apparently, you have yet to experience the downside of a proliferation of incompatible variants.
Regarding Dylan, I do know about it. I was working on "Trusty Scheme", a secure version of Scheme at Autodesk when Dylan (Scheme without continuations and parens) was being developed (1990-1992). Sun was also building a Scheme environment at that time too. As much as I liked Trusty Scheme, which was interpreted, I recognized that Oak/Java blew it away in performance by orders of magnitude with the JIT compiler and the verifier.
See http://www.eros-os.org/ for the further evolution of the capability security of Trusty Scheme in the EROS OS. Java borrowed heavily from Self http://research.sun.com/self/language.html which evolved from Smalltalk.
I agree that, in the long run, as "Moore's Law" continues, dynamic languages (and languages with more dynamic features) will get more of the programming pie because execution efficiency is increasingly less important than saving programmer time.
Posted by Paul Baclace at Tue Sep 16 21:51:20 2003
It would be convenient to write off my statements as some kind of blind faith, but your comments about Sun and ECMA standardization certainly looked shallow to me and motivated me to spend the time to post a comment. I am more interested in understanding and spreading good ideas than expressing opinions. (Did I write anything about EJBs? ;^)
I think your Sept. 16 posting, which spelled out your desire to fork open source, clarifies your position. Apparently, you have yet to experience the downside of a proliferation of incompatible variants.
Regarding Dylan, I do know about it. I was working on "Trusty Scheme", a secure version of Scheme at Autodesk when Dylan (Scheme without continuations and parens) was being developed (1990-1992). Sun was also building a Scheme environment at that time too. As much as I liked Trusty Scheme, which was interpreted, I recognized that Oak/Java blew it away in performance by orders of magnitude with the JIT compiler and the verifier.
See http://www.eros-os.org/ for the further evolution of the capability security of Trusty Scheme in the EROS OS. Java borrowed heavily from Self http://research.sun.com/self/language.html which evolved from Smalltalk.
I agree that, in the long run, as "Moore's Law" continues, dynamic languages (and languages with more dynamic features) will get more of the programming pie because execution efficiency is increasingly less important than saving programmer time.
Posted by Paul Baclace at Tue Sep 16 22:32:44 2003
Embrace and Extend
Anne Thomas Manes is proposing Jakarta for Mono. Her objective, which I agree with is:
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a pretty decent, totally open, multi-platform application environment with no IP-encumbrances from either Microsoft or Sun.Her proposal:
So this is my idea: we start a set of open source projects that essentially duplicate Jakarta (and other Java projects) for Mono. We start with a servlet-like system for C# (Sharplets?). It needs to be sufficiently different from the Java Servlet API - because servlets are Sun proprietary technology. But then we build on the Sharplets foundation: things like Struts, Cocoon, Log4C#, C#Unit, etc.Fortunately, nobody stood around waiting for someone to have this idea, and a number of busy developers have already started porting Jakarta projects. Here are some that are already done. There's also a port of JUnit. So the next step, rather than the first step, is to do something like servlets. However, I think that Jakarta for Mono is a bad idea. Here's what I mean. Jakarta is not the only source of good open source Java stuff. If we are going to build a multi-platform application environment, let's also learn from the mistakes that have been made along the way. Let's take WebWork or Tapestry instead of Struts. Let's take Velocity over JSP. And let's definitely not take EJB. This is bigger than Jakarta. Much bigger. As I pointed out in February, there's a lot of open source stuff out there that is better than what the platform vendors have done. A new, not-dependent on Microsoft CLI should take advantage of every lesson that Java and .NET people have learned about building managed systems. The only piece that really matters is the CLI. Would it be nice to be compatible with .NET? Sure. Is Microsoft going to allow it? Who knows? We don't need Microsoft's permission to build something based on all the lessons we've learned since 1996. And we don't need to be compatible with them because we're not compatible now. This is about open source going forward. If Mono is about keeping up with .Net, then its about as interesting as the ASF trying to keep up with J2EE -- not very. The one troubling piece is the licensing. It may be hard to attract people to write and use code developed on Mono because of the GPL. This may turn out to be more of a problem than Microsoft. If people don't have any option to make money writing Mono apps, then things could get tough. And yes, we should be thinking about Mono desktop apps (If you don't know what Nat Friedman did with dashboard, go find out -- mind the dates in July). Mono is on Windows, Linux, and (soon) MacOS X. There's a group working on SWT bindings to Mono, and Eclipse has already shown that you can do cross platform GUI apps on those three platforms. Noel Bergman wrote in to say that he'd like to see Mono relicensed to the ASF. I don't know if that's really that important or not. The license may be, but the ASF may not be. Hey, I'm an ASF member too, and I'd love to see Mono come to the ASF. But it's not a prerequisite for success. Simon Phipps commented with a post titled An Open Spirit:
What we learn from each of these forays into openness is that it doesn't matter how sound the vehicle being used to express the apparent 'openness' is (ECMA for C#, Open Group for DCOM, partenr community for NT), what ultimately matters is the open spirit of the originator. If their intent and method is essentially open, the process bugs get fixed along the way and more and more becomes open.Unfortunately, for Simon, he's throwing rocks in a glass house. Sun is the company that said they would standardize Java in ECMA and then backed out. Sun is the company that the ASF has had to beat repeatedly in order to fix the "process bugs". We still don't have an open source JVM. Until that changes, Java is not open. When people have to pay money to get certification, that's not open. The open source community as a whole needs to start going forward because we are running out of good stuff to copy. In order to do that, we need the entire stack to be open. Let me give you one example: There's a lot of buzz going on right now about "dynamic languages". People are starting to realize that there might be some useful stuff in these languages. The problem is that they perform poorly on the JVM (and the CLI). Sun is not interested in solving this problem. Microsoft is. And even if Microsoft isn't or doesn't, it doesn't matter, because the problem can be solved by modifications to Mono. Let's give up the dream of .NET compatiblity. And J2EE compatibility. Let's take the CLI and chart our own course.

My comment with regard to Mono being re-licensed to the ASF was in context of Anne Thomas Manes proposing Jakarta for Mono. She was the one who suggested the place. I qualified my comment by saying that it would be good to have the entire stack under a suitable license. The VM doesn't have to be at the ASF or with that license, but as you noted, the key issue is the nature of whichever license. You want a license that permits participation from both Open Source developers and closed source vendors on a common Open Source platform.
A high quality, Open Source, VM would be nice. Perhaps one that learned from the JVM, CLI, and other VMs, and provided compatibility with the best features of each. And there are lessons to be learned from existing frameworks.
But there is such a thing as critical mass. Why does creating new de jure Open Standards mean abandoning the critical mass we've developed in de facto ones? Would it really be easier to develop a new utopian platform than to morph an existing one?
Anytime one is talking about certification, the underlying issue is interoperability. If interoperability didn't matter, one wouldn't care about certification. In terms of charging fees for certified compatibility with Open Standards, check out the pricing from theopengroup.org, or other standards bodies. Would I like Java certification for free? Of course. AIUI, once an certified J2EE stack exists from the ASF, anyone can use it for free as a certified J2EE, provided it is not changed in such manner as to compel re-certification.
If you are going to build a critical mass around something, one question is with whom do you want to work. Microsoft is establishing a proprietary system under the pretense of an Open Standard. Sun has a relatively Open System under the guise of proprietary ownership. Is the JCP perfect? Certainly not. Has it improved? Seems so. At the moment, it appears that working to resolve the JCP's problems with Sun and others would be more managable than attempting the classic blunder of trying to skirt technological entrapment.
Posted by Noel J. Bergman at Mon Sep 15 11:02:30 2003
A high quality, Open Source, VM would be nice. Perhaps one that learned from the JVM, CLI, and other VMs, and provided compatibility with the best features of each. And there are lessons to be learned from existing frameworks.
But there is such a thing as critical mass. Why does creating new de jure Open Standards mean abandoning the critical mass we've developed in de facto ones? Would it really be easier to develop a new utopian platform than to morph an existing one?
Anytime one is talking about certification, the underlying issue is interoperability. If interoperability didn't matter, one wouldn't care about certification. In terms of charging fees for certified compatibility with Open Standards, check out the pricing from theopengroup.org, or other standards bodies. Would I like Java certification for free? Of course. AIUI, once an certified J2EE stack exists from the ASF, anyone can use it for free as a certified J2EE, provided it is not changed in such manner as to compel re-certification.
If you are going to build a critical mass around something, one question is with whom do you want to work. Microsoft is establishing a proprietary system under the pretense of an Open Standard. Sun has a relatively Open System under the guise of proprietary ownership. Is the JCP perfect? Certainly not. Has it improved? Seems so. At the moment, it appears that working to resolve the JCP's problems with Sun and others would be more managable than attempting the classic blunder of trying to skirt technological entrapment.
Posted by Noel J. Bergman at Mon Sep 15 11:02:30 2003
I know people are excitied about mono and ximian and friends have done a great job to date. But I don't think they will be very succesful in the long run. Their GC scheme seems very broken - they actually don't really have a scheme and instead rely on Boehm GC. Sure this will work for plenty of apps but in the long run as the size and complexity grows it seems like it will be troublesome. Plus this desire to keep pace w/ msft seems doomed to failure. I think we should look at whole new opportunties - the future parrot vm or something along those lines.
Hey Ted, I just wanted to let you know, I really enjoy your blog. keep up the good work.
Posted by derek at Mon Sep 15 14:09:10 2003
Hey Ted, I just wanted to let you know, I really enjoy your blog. keep up the good work.
Posted by derek at Mon Sep 15 14:09:10 2003
Anne Thomas Manes blogged about Jakarta for Mono. The goal? "... we’ll have a pretty decent, totally open, multi-platform application environment with no IP-encumbrances from either Microsoft or Sun." Ted Leung replies, agreeing in purpose, but proposes a slightly different direction. I tend to agree with Ted. Listen up, Sun: The masses are growing restless, and the next Linux may be in the making. You're in the drivers seat on this one....
Posted by Trackback from John Beatty at Mon Sep 15 18:04:14 2003
Posted by Trackback from John Beatty at Mon Sep 15 18:04:14 2003
Sun is the company that said they would standardize Java in ECMA and then backed out.
Sun is the original champion of open standards so it/they know the tradeoffs between going for ECMA, ISO or roll-your-own standard via the JCP. Overall, ECMA is merely a rubber stamp slightly better than an RFC. The ISO standardization process is so slow that either progress halts or the final standard is obsolete by the time of approval. ISO standardization is what slowed down and bloated C++ so much that Java thrived.
By contrast, the JCP works very nicely.
There's a lot of buzz going on right now about "dynamic languages". People are starting to realize that there might be some useful stuff in these languages.
Dynamic languages are not new and the buzz has always been there, only now, it is not crowded out by major new Java developments because Java is stablizing. Dynamic languages are fun to use interactively, but suffer greatly when it comes time to deploy--either it is uncompilable (Scheme continuations) or gets so ugly from pragmas that the fun is gone (Common Lisp).
Java is the first language that relies on a virtual machine to see wide adoption. Java succeeded because of the JIT compiler can optimize it in situ to be very close to the speed of C. Any language system with more dynamic language features beyond dynamic dispatch won't be able to compete in the mainstream.
Posted by Paul Baclace at Mon Sep 15 20:52:58 2003
If there were a good open source JVM, we might not be having this discussion, but there isn't so we are. If you believe (and you're not required to), that an open source VM is a necessity, then you don't have any choices. Also, there's enough badly designed stuff in Java right now, that I'd be happy to leave some of it behind. Every bad piece of technology that gets blessed into a JSR just makes it harder to replace it. See my old postings for my opinions on the JCP.
Posted by Ted Leung at Tue Sep 16 01:06:32 2003
If there were a good open source JVM, we might not be having this discussion, but there isn't so we are. If you believe (and you're not required to), that an open source VM is a necessity, then you don't have any choices. Also, there's enough badly designed stuff in Java right now, that I'd be happy to leave some of it behind. Every bad piece of technology that gets blessed into a JSR just makes it harder to replace it. See my old postings for my opinions on the JCP.
Posted by Ted Leung at Tue Sep 16 01:06:32 2003
Thanks for the kind words, I'll do my best to keep the blog interesting. GC's can be ripped out. It's not a sign of Doom.
Thanks for the kind words, I'll do my best to keep the blog interesting. GC's can be ripped out. It's not a sign of Doom.
As far as parrot goes, I hope I made it clear that I'm not especially wed to the CLI. It's the existance and momentum behind Mono that has my attention. If Parrot was here and had a vibrant developer community (not saying it doesn't), then I'd be just as happy.
Posted by Ted Leung at Tue Sep 16 01:08:47 2003
If you believe that Sun knows best, then keep right on with Java and EJB.
Before the Java hype came about, there were a number of promising dl's that were achieving very good performance (at least as good as C). Look at Dylan for starters. As far as not being able to compete in the mainstream, that's what was said about garbage collected systems for years. But here we are. The other stuff will come in time.
Posted by Ted Leung at Tue Sep 16 01:12:34 2003
If you believe that Sun knows best, then keep right on with Java and EJB.
Before the Java hype came about, there were a number of promising dl's that were achieving very good performance (at least as good as C). Look at Dylan for starters. As far as not being able to compete in the mainstream, that's what was said about garbage collected systems for years. But here we are. The other stuff will come in time.
Posted by Ted Leung at Tue Sep 16 01:12:34 2003
If you believe that Sun knows best, then keep right on with Java and EJB.
It would be convenient to write off my statements as some kind of blind faith, but your comments about Sun and ECMA standardization certainly looked shallow to me and motivated me to spend the time to post a comment. I am more interested in understanding and spreading good ideas than expressing opinions. (Did I write anything about EJBs? ;^)
I think your Sept. 16 posting, which spelled out your desire to fork open source, clarifies your position. Apparently, you have yet to experience the downside of a proliferation of incompatible variants.
Regarding Dylan, I do know about it. I was working on "Trusty Scheme", a secure version of Scheme at Autodesk when Dylan (Scheme without continuations and parens) was being developed (1990-1992). Sun was also building a Scheme environment at that time too. As much as I liked Trusty Scheme, which was interpreted, I recognized that Oak/Java blew it away in performance by orders of magnitude with the JIT compiler and the verifier.
See http://www.eros-os.org/ for the further evolution of the capability security of Trusty Scheme in the EROS OS. Java borrowed heavily from Self http://research.sun.com/self/language.html which evolved from Smalltalk.
I agree that, in the long run, as "Moore's Law" continues, dynamic languages (and languages with more dynamic features) will get more of the programming pie because execution efficiency is increasingly less important than saving programmer time.
Posted by Paul Baclace at Tue Sep 16 21:51:20 2003
If you believe that Sun knows best, then keep right on with Java and EJB.
It would be convenient to write off my statements as some kind of blind faith, but your comments about Sun and ECMA standardization certainly looked shallow to me and motivated me to spend the time to post a comment. I am more interested in understanding and spreading good ideas than expressing opinions. (Did I write anything about EJBs? ;^)
I think your Sept. 16 posting, which spelled out your desire to fork open source, clarifies your position. Apparently, you have yet to experience the downside of a proliferation of incompatible variants.
Regarding Dylan, I do know about it. I was working on "Trusty Scheme", a secure version of Scheme at Autodesk when Dylan (Scheme without continuations and parens) was being developed (1990-1992). Sun was also building a Scheme environment at that time too. As much as I liked Trusty Scheme, which was interpreted, I recognized that Oak/Java blew it away in performance by orders of magnitude with the JIT compiler and the verifier.
See http://www.eros-os.org/ for the further evolution of the capability security of Trusty Scheme in the EROS OS. Java borrowed heavily from Self http://research.sun.com/self/language.html which evolved from Smalltalk.
I agree that, in the long run, as "Moore's Law" continues, dynamic languages (and languages with more dynamic features) will get more of the programming pie because execution efficiency is increasingly less important than saving programmer time.
Posted by Paul Baclace at Tue Sep 16 22:32:44 2003
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