Ted Leung on the air
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Thu, 15 May 2003
Run, don't walk and get SharpReader
Luke Hutteman wrote to tell me that SharpReader with gzip support has been released. Please go get it!
David Peckham also wrote to say that NewsDesk 1.1 will be released next week and have HTTP gzip support.
That brings the gzip standings to:
[00:02] |
[computers/internet/weblogs] |
# |
TB |
F |
G |
- Aggie 1.0 RC5 - supported
- AmphetaDesk - no support planned until after 1.0
- Bottom Feeder - supported
- Channel Buddy - not supported - but private in-house aggregator used by "a total of two people in the world"
- effnews - supported
- FeedReader - unsupported
- Hep - supported in 0.4
- java.blogs aggregator - no plans to implement GZip support
- Magpie RSS - supported as of 0.5
- NetNewsWire - added to feature request list
- Newsgator - support as of 1.2 beta.
- Newzcrawler - not supported
- nntp//rss - supported in 0.3
- ping.blog.gs - awaiting a reply
- Radio Userland - unsupported but Andre Radke has written a plugin supporting gzip.
- RSS Bandit - being worked on
- SharpReader - Supported as of
- Straw - supported
- Syndirella - Simon Fell has released a version supporting gzip.
- Wildgrape NewsDesk - Support in Newdesk 1.1

We've just implemented gzip support for our NewzCrawler. You'll be able to test how it works in the nearest release.
Posted by Andrew Tumashinov at Thu May 15 16:00:10 2003
Posted by Andrew Tumashinov at Thu May 15 16:00:10 2003
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