Ted Leung on the air
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Mon, 21 Jul 2003
Inaugural microcontent quickies
I decided to bite the bullet and create a microcontent category anyway. Here's some items from the last few days to get it started:
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- Dave Winer's list of RSS 2.0 modules/namespaces.
- Ray Ozzie is asking about e-mail as RSS. E-mail is microcontent. It's just delivered differently from RSS (SMTP vs HTTP) and less structured, with less metadata. I suppose you could ask about e-mail as XML (but some will probably punch me for that).
- Phil Wolff has a very interesting post about two way communications between blogs and eBay. This is the beginning of what Tim O'Reilly was talking about at OSCON. Sites like eBay are going to become platforms. And a lot of their content/data is microcontent.
- Phil (again) and Matt Mower are talking about hooking up CVS, RSS, and (in Matt's case) ENT to form a kind of CVS blog. I'm all in favor, but let's do it on top of subversion.

Inaugural microcontent quickies. I decided to bite the bullet and create a microcontent category anyway. Here's some items from the last few d...
Posted by Trackback from Curiouser and curiouser! at Tue Jul 22 05:04:16 2003
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