Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
For several years, I have been looking for a way for folks in the Puget Sound technology community to connect with each other. As I've gotten to know various folks in the area, I've frequently found that people are unaware of things going on in the area, and many people have expressed an interest in getting more connected. After several false starts, it looks like something is actually going to happen. A bunch of local folks have gotten together to organize the Seattle MindCamp. This is going to be a self organized conference in the vein of the O'Reilly Foo Camp or BarCamp.
The event is going to take place November 5 and 6, and admission will be free. If you want to attend, please come ready to present or lead a discussion. Andru's post has the registration information.

More here:
Posted by Jack William Bell at Tue Oct 11 00:52:43 2005
Posted by Ted Leung at Wed Oct 12 22:01:20 2005
What should I present on? Writing programs for cell phones? Common object architectures? The importance, and practice, of good documentation?
Posted by Jack William Bell at Sat Oct 15 14:07:15 2005

To insert a URI, just type it -- no need to write an anchor tag.
Allowable html tags are:
<a href>
, <em>
, <i>
, <b>
, <blockquote>
, <br/>
, <p>
, <code>
, <pre>
, <cite>
, <sub>
and <sup>
.You can also use some Wiki style:
URI => [uri title]
<em> => _emphasized text_
<b> => *bold text*
Ordered list => consecutive lines starting spaces and an asterisk