Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Brent has released the latest public beta of NetNewsWire. I believe that in this version he's taken care of the last bugs that were annoying me in my daily work flow.
Remember, THIS IS BETA SOFTWARE. Before you download, backup your existing data files, and be aware that things may be unstable. I haven't found that to be the case, but you might have a problem, since there are some features that I don't use. Click here to go the the beta page.

For those of you that like iPulse, the latest version can put up a display in the menu bar (the leftmost stuff):
I didn't like MenuMeters because my menu bar is too full when I'm using the PowerBook display. This is the best of both worlds...

First it was IKVM, which can JIT compile JVM bytecodes to CLR bytecodes. Now commenter Paul Boddie has written javaclass, which aims to do a similar thing with the Python bytecodes as a target:
The javaclass collection of packages and utilities (also known as ClassFile) provides a means of importing Java classes and packages directly into Python, without the need for a Java virtual machine, so that the classes may be instantiated, accessed, run and manipulated just like Python classes, and that the resulting objects and methods can be accessed and manipulated just like Python objects and methods. It should be possible to run compiled Java programs with the Python interpreter and not notice that it isn't the Java virtual machine being used - given sufficient library support for the program concerned, of course.