Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Yesterday Julie wrote about the tension between summertime and blogging (really all activities that can wait till winter). It's been a long summer for us, with house projects and lots of traveling to conferences and so forth. Now it seems like everyone wants to pack those last few moments of summer freedom in before they are all gone.
I do too. Yesterday I took a half day out of work to go sailing with some folks from our geek study group here on the island. One of our members spent a significant portion of his adult life building a boat, and now he is able to reap the rewards. It was very kind of him to share some of them with the rest of us. Especially the landlubbers, like me.
Rather than recount the afternoon's events, I made a photoessay in a Flickr photo set. There are a *lot* of pictures, so you might want to wait till you have time and/or a fast connection.
Here's a preview to whet your appetite:

Posted by Trackback from Attention citizens of Earth! at Wed Aug 31 12:47:23 2005
These photos are awesome. Truely beautiful. Luba, Jake and I took the full tour.
Posted by Keith at Wed Aug 31 20:44:11 2005

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