Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
I've posted my photos of Foo Camp on Flickr.
After the weekend, I'm a big fan of the totally unstructured self organizing conference. Of course, I was a big fan of this format before Foo Camp -- the Apache Hackathon and the PyCon sprints are some of my favorite events because of the self organization and the people involved. So it wasn't a surprise that I enjoyed the format. For every time slot there were at least 3 sessions that I really wanted to go to them. Obviously I wasn't able to do that. I also had a number of excellent conversations outside the sessions.
Some of the sessions that I went to included Open Source Hardware, Leadership Hacks, Creating Passionate Users - the Koolaid point, Technologies of Electronic Communication, Digital Identity, and James Duncan Davidson's conference photography tell all.
Mitchell Baker, Geir Magnusson, and I ran a session on Money, Power, and Open Source projects. In hindsight, we should have been prepared for a large crowd. As it was, the room was really full, and the discussion was pretty lively. The session was the beginning of a conversation that will move onto the foundations mailing list.
I hope that there will be more events like Foo Camp and Bar Camp -- there's plenty of room for more meetings like these.

I think the "everyone has to present something" modus operandi is a really good idea; we used to have free-for-all meetings (I suppose they still happen) here in Toronto but they mostly amounted to some interesting discussion, degenerating into religious debates. There was always lots of beer involved, so that was good, but FOO seemed like it would involve a lot of learning along with the boozing, so cognitively you come out breaking even. :)
Posted by David Warde-Farley at Wed Aug 24 20:52:39 2005

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