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Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Thu, 05 May 2005
Jonathan 'The Wolf' Rentzsch on Python and PyObjC
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The DrunkenBlog has a great inteview with Jonathan Rentzsch, a big time Mac Hacker. Buried in there is a plug for Python and PyObjC:
Objective-C's big weaknesses today is its lack of a Windows story, its lack of automatic memory management and its method call syntax, in that order.
That said, my eye isn't on Java or C# to put the knife in Objective-C's back -- it's Python. Python addresses all the issues and PyObjC makes it easy to use Python with Cocoa. Indeed, PyObjC can do things Objective-C can't do by itself.
but later on he also says this:
Windows is so backwards that the ancient Objective-C/AppKit was better. C#, while not aimed at Objective-C per se, gets them closer. So let's widen the gap again. It's highly arguable if Python is "better" than C#, but from a control-your-own-destiny angle, Python is a complete slam dunk. Python works well on *nix, Java, .NET and Mac OS X. It's open source. It's sane.
But I won't argue it's fast. It's usually just not so slow you care. (grin)
Speed *does* matter.

I think the elaboration looks like this:
Python sucks because it's slow and whitespace matters!
Posted by Bob Ippolito at Thu May 5 07:37:33 2005
Python sucks because it's slow and whitespace matters!
Posted by Bob Ippolito at Thu May 5 07:37:33 2005
I've no problem with the whitespace. The speed, on the other hand...
Posted by Ted Leung at Mon May 9 00:27:24 2005
Posted by Ted Leung at Mon May 9 00:27:24 2005
And people used to complain that LISP was (purportedly) slow!
Posted by Paul Snively at Wed May 25 10:46:17 2005
Posted by Paul Snively at Wed May 25 10:46:17 2005
I recently came across a comparison of the speeds of various scripting language, and Python easily outstripped Ruby and others, which is a shame because I really like Ruby. :-)
Posted by Reid Ellis at Thu Apr 27 12:00:16 2006
Posted by Reid Ellis at Thu Apr 27 12:00:16 2006
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