Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
A few weeks ago there was a trio of long discussion threads on Lambda the Ultimate. The title of the threads was "Why type systems are interesting". In part II there was an very interesting exchange between (mostly) Paul Snively and Anton van Straaten that is a good summary of my thoughts on programming language design/evolution. Some comments which are especially representative are titled: Short Uptime, Striving for Positivism, and Sliders Are Fascinating! I've been trying to advocate that the current generation of dynamic language folks learn from previous generations. In the meantime, those previous generations have also been moving forward. I hope to see languages which have a slider between dynamic and static typing. Mostly I've been looking at the example of the Lisp derived languages. The LTU thread has given me a few things to put on my "to learn list":
For completeness, here are the other two parts of the thread:
Why type systems are interesting - part I
Why type systems are interesting - part II

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