Ted Leung on the air
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Fri, 12 Mar 2004
RSS Feeds for Chandler WikiWebs
Since I started at OSAF I've been begging and whining for RSS feeds that would track the changes to our numerous Wiki webs. Today, I got my wish. I hope that this will help some of you as much as it will help me.
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And the reward for hard work is...
More Hard Work. This reminded me of a conversation I had with my boss a few jobs ago. Seems like there ought to be a little more reward than that. And no, more money doesn't always count as a reward. Oddly enough, I like to do a good job...
[22:21] |
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A Blogroll?
Every once in a while I debate the merits of putting a blogroll up. A few days ago I stumbled on blogrolling.com (yes, I'm slow), and started to mess with it.
Part of the reason that I don't like blogrolls is that they feel kind of like a popularity contest, which bring back bad high school memories for me. At the same time, I definitely owe an intellectual debt to a number of other bloggers, and I'd like to recognize that. Another motivation for putting up a blogroll is that some of my friends are asking me what blogs I read, and I don't want to keep repeating myself.
So here's the deal with my blogroll. I read too many feeds to just do an export from NetNewsWire and then slap them up there (A nice selective OPML export from NNW would be cool). I'm not Scoble, but I'm definitely an outlier on that graph that's been making its way around. I've picked out the blogs that make an impression on me on a regular basis (there are many more that do this semi-regularly, but I have to make the cut somewhere). I've also tried to "balance" the list with bloggers from different areas of interest. I did the cutoff in a semi-arbitrary, touchy-feely way, so it's not perfect.
I hope that this helps those of you who are looking for something interesting to read.
[00:09] |
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