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Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Sun, 29 Aug 2004
Fund Michael Salib
David Ascher reports that the Python Software Foundation (PSF) wants to give out money.
Here's what I'd like to see: Find Michael Salib and give him some money so he can sit down and finish/release StarKiller. Here's my rationale: There were 3 talks at PyCON on Python performance. Jim Huginin talked about IronPython. He doesn't need any funding anymore. The PyPy team is applying to the EU for mega grants, so the PSF probably just doesn't have enough money to make a difference. Salib's talk on StarKiller was the final talk, and at that time Salib was looking for a job so he could eat while finishing StarKiller. Four months have gone by and there's been no Starkiller release. If Salib's work could get out, then the Python community could start to help make it better.
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Totally agreed! For ages, the PyPy people were saying that "if only there was a graduate student working on this kind of thing" the different issues could be properly investigated. Somehow, nobody played "join the dots" to the graduate student actually working on it.
Posted by Paul Boddie at Mon Aug 30 03:39:48 2004
Posted by Paul Boddie at Mon Aug 30 03:39:48 2004
I concur. Starkiller makes me feel warm and fuzzy; I'd like to see it in the real-world-ware department.
Posted by Baczek at Mon Aug 30 06:04:09 2004
Posted by Baczek at Mon Aug 30 06:04:09 2004
As you mentioned, the PyPy team will hopefully get grants from the EU. Why doesn't Michael Salib apply for grants as well? (from the United States, not the EU)
Posted by Nick Jacobson at Mon Aug 30 12:49:50 2004
Posted by Nick Jacobson at Mon Aug 30 12:49:50 2004
Yes! This strikes me as one of the most important Python advances on the horizon. Lots of Python code doesn't benefit much from psyco, and StarKiller provides exactly the stuff that psyco is missing. Is there somewhere we can lobby for this?
Posted by Tom Locke at Tue Aug 31 07:12:19 2004
Posted by Tom Locke at Tue Aug 31 07:12:19 2004
Do people remember that Starkiller was designed to type infer for the point of generating C++ code? The algorithm (Cartesian Product) will only work if you lock down the modules you use. Swap anything in to replace any code and it is completely invalidated. Yes, that can be acceptable if you are willing to promise not to change any code once you type infer, but that means you lose some dynamicism.
And Michael is not the only grad student working on this. I am hoping to be roughly code complete with my type inferencing of local variables (which means no change in semantics) for atomic types by the end of the month.
Posted by Brett at Wed Sep 1 22:19:22 2004
And Michael is not the only grad student working on this. I am hoping to be roughly code complete with my type inferencing of local variables (which means no change in semantics) for atomic types by the end of the month.
Posted by Brett at Wed Sep 1 22:19:22 2004
When I was at PyCon, no one else (and I did talk to some Python old-timers about these kinds of issues) mentioned other work that was being done in this space. I'm glad to hear that someone else is working on the problem. I'd be happy to post a link to a paper or code once it's available (a quick Google on your e-mail address didn't turn up anything related)
Posted by Ted Leung at Wed Sep 1 23:19:46 2004
When I was at PyCon, no one else (and I did talk to some Python old-timers about these kinds of issues) mentioned other work that was being done in this space. I'm glad to hear that someone else is working on the problem. I'd be happy to post a link to a paper or code once it's available (a quick Google on your e-mail address didn't turn up anything related)
Posted by Ted Leung at Wed Sep 1 23:19:46 2004
I just contacted Mike Salib asking him for news about Starkiller, and this is what he said:
"I've been stuck doing other things and have been kind of down lately, but I do want to finish a real Starkiller release before I start my new job in early october."
I also pointed him to this blog entry, and this is what he said:
"I hadn't seen that blog entry, but it is
interesting. Thanks for pointing it out to me. A grant wouldn't really help me right now, but the sentiment behind it is nice.
I know a lot of people are waiting on Starkiller (and my seemingly endless delays), but it is coming along, and it will be ready when its
I'd rather wait until I can get a release out before sending anything to the newsgroup or mailing lists."
I just can't wait to play with starkiller!
This would surelly revolutionize the adoption rate of python...
Posted by Luis at Mon Sep 13 14:06:25 2004
"I've been stuck doing other things and have been kind of down lately, but I do want to finish a real Starkiller release before I start my new job in early october."
I also pointed him to this blog entry, and this is what he said:
"I hadn't seen that blog entry, but it is
interesting. Thanks for pointing it out to me. A grant wouldn't really help me right now, but the sentiment behind it is nice.
I know a lot of people are waiting on Starkiller (and my seemingly endless delays), but it is coming along, and it will be ready when its
I'd rather wait until I can get a release out before sending anything to the newsgroup or mailing lists."
I just can't wait to play with starkiller!
This would surelly revolutionize the adoption rate of python...
Posted by Luis at Mon Sep 13 14:06:25 2004
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