Ted Leung on the air
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Tue, 10 Aug 2004
Rescue calls?!
Yahoo News (via the AP) is carrying a story about date "rescue calls". I don't normally comment about stuff like this, but it blows my mind that people would pay a service to make up a lie for them so they could get out of a date. If people can't face up to the interpersonal stress of ending a bad date, then I have no idea how they'll actually be able to survive the difficult times that are inevitable in any intimate relationship. Perhaps these companies will expand their services to invent lies for spouses to tell each other when they wish to avoid painful topics of conversation.
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It's very short-sighted too -- the spurned date does not know they were rejected and can, very reasonably, presume that it wasn't their fault and they should ask for a second date.
Posted by Joe Grossberg at Tue Aug 10 08:22:48 2004
Posted by Joe Grossberg at Tue Aug 10 08:22:48 2004
A better business model might be one that relies on bluetooth earpieces, and provides Cyrano de Bergerac -style prompting to keep the conversation going and make you look really smooth.
Just make up an excuse for why you're wearing an earpiece/microphone to a date...
Posted by Jon H at Thu Aug 12 18:27:29 2004
Just make up an excuse for why you're wearing an earpiece/microphone to a date...
Posted by Jon H at Thu Aug 12 18:27:29 2004
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