Ted Leung on the air
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Thu, 11 Sep 2003
Growing a Language
has discovered Guy Steele's OOPSLA '98 invited talk, Growing a Language.
One of my favorite quotes:
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My point is that a good programmer in these times does not just write programs. A good programmer builds a working vocabulary. In other words, a good programmer does language design, though not from scratch, but building on the frame of a base language.Go read the rest, and then think about whether Java, C#, Python, Ruby and Perl are languages (and communities) designed to grow.

librsync: basis for next generation RSS distribution?
Jeremy Bowers
suggests that librsync might might be a good way to solve the RSS distribution problem. Hmmm...
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XML Tools from all over
[01:03] |
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- Uche Ogbuji's XML.com article on The State of the Python-XML Art, 2003 is good guide for people unfamiliar with Python's XML support, like me. I found some good pointers in there.
- Micah Dubinko also has an article on XML.com, discussing Ten XForms Engines. I'd really like to see a Firebird plugin for this. And one that could generate a SVG / Flash .swf file given an XForms document.
- From XMLhack, comes news of James Clark's GNU Emacs mode for XML nXML. nXML can do validation based on Relax NG schemas.