Ted Leung on the air
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Sat, 05 Jul 2003
Eric Avenue Series
Tonight Julie and I went to see our friend Paul Ziakin's opening for the showing of his paintings at the pitcairn scott gallery in Seattle. It was really a cool time. We've had friends who were artist before (we knew a bunch of students at the Rhode Island School of Design when we were at Brown), but this is the first time an artist that we personally know has had a showing that we could physically go to.
The visual arts are not so much my strong suit - I lack the background to appreciate all the fine details, although I was definitely able to appreciate the Fibonacci sequence rendered in paint. I think I still have a bit of that grade school art class fear holding me back as well.
On the ferry ride back to the island, we sat down in a booth next to a young woman who was playing the cello. I've seen this particular woman before, and it's not unusual to have this happen on a non-commuter ferry run. I love live music (that's where my artistic side gets to express itself), so it made for a lovely ride home. I half joked to my wife that I'd happily ride the boat back and forth to Seattle a few times if someone would sit and play the cello while we rode. I grew up a violin weenie, so it wasn't until later in life that I really began to appreciate the cello. Unfortunately, my knowledge of the cello repertoire is limited, so hearing people strike up cello pieces that I haven't heard before is common and delightful. Combine the concert with the long days of summer in Seattle, and the art show, and you have a delightful evening.
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FeedDemon 1.0beta2
Download and Release notes.
Key features for me:
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- open tabs in background
- source field for items (so you can see in news bins)
- Ctrl+R to mark listing read
- No more 150 channel limit
- Fixed VM leak bug

I'm going to be at OSCON from Tuesday evening to Friday sometime. Since I live "close", I'm going to be driving down so I'll have flexibility regarding when I arrive and when I leave.
Here are my plans:
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- I'm going to spend Thursday night hanging with the Chandler folks.
- I'm still interested in Patrick Logan's "What's Next discussion. Can we do this Tuesday or Wednesday night?
- Should we organize a blogger's gathering?

If RSS aggregators are TiVo for blogs
then RSS feeds should have all the content in them. After all TiVo's grab all the content so that you can do what you like to it, when you like to do it.
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Nat Friedman, one of the founders of Ximian, is working on a Rembrance Agent like app called dashboard. Dashboard is supposed to index your personal information space and show you stuff that is relevant to what you are currently interacting with (an IM, e-mail, web page, etc). He and others are trying to whip in to shape for a demo at OSCON. That'll be fun since I'll be at the conference.
A few other interesting notes. This is one of the first Mono apps to be developed for Gnome, and that in itself is interesting. The team is also doing bindings to perl, python, etc, and there are hooks for GAIM and Evolution (of course).
One interesting comment that Nat made in the dashboard blog:
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One important thing to realize is that it would never be possible to write something like the dashboard in a world where you can't get the source code to your applications. This is the whole "basis for innovation" thing we're always talking about.I hope so. All those apps also need updating to be network and synchronization aware, ala O'Reilly and Ozzie.