Ted Leung on the air
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Fri, 31 Jan 2003
.NET and the CLR
I find myself thinking more and more about doing some work in the CLR
environment. Notice that I said CLR, not necessarily .NET. Near the
end of my grad school days in the early 90's, some friends of mine
asked me to sit in on a programming languages seminar that they were
running. We talked about Oak/Java, Dylan, and a bunch of other
languages. A that time I was not particularly impressed with Java as
a language. Compared to the Lisp family of languages, Java was just
barely catching up. Now that Java is a success, some folks would like
you to believe that Java invented dynamic languages, and that the only
thing left to do is expand the libraries until they bloat up and
consume the world -- which they're well on they way to doing.
I have a slightly different perspective. The adotption of managed
environments (the combination of JIT VM's and automatic memory
management) is a long overdue development in the evolution of software
development, but we haven't arrived. There is a lot of room for
improvement in the languages that we are using to today. The JVM and
the ecosystem around it are focused on Java. Yes, there are
implementations of lots of other languages on the JVM. Yes, some of
them talk to Java. But for non-technical reasons, the JVM is going to
be focused on Java, and for reasons of compatibility Sun is going to
continue to evolve the JVM very slowly.
I'm interested in a managed environment that can still evolve and
grow. Microsoft is claiming that this is what they want. I'm not
sure that I believe that they will continue to evolve it. But it
doesn't matter. Mono provides a managed environment
that can evolve. It has compatibility with the current ECMA
CLR and will continue to. Compatibility to the MS CLR is nice, but
Miguel says that they have Mono running on Windows as well. So here
we have an open source, potentially evolvable managed environment. If
the Mono guys can get just the ECMA specified portions of the CLR
running well, I think that this is very interesting. I'm interested
in seeing continued innovation at the runtime level, and that's not
really happening with the JVM. What is happening is improvements in
the quality of implementation. I'd like to see the Mono ECMA CLR,
with a switch that can be flipped to go into Microsoft compatible
mode, however compatible that turns out to be, for whoever cares to be
compatible. But I'm just as happy to see an open source CLR based
runtime evolve starting from what is Mono today, and if it forks from
the Microsoft one (due either to Microsoft changing theirs or the open
source one changing), I'm not bothered by that.
So, am I a heretic yet?
Then we go on to build managed libraries that provide Windowing API's,
etc. Then Haskell.CLR can actually
talk to the rest of the computer, and we get to a place where
everytime we want to innovate in the language space, we don't have to
throw away the ability to do useful stuff. That's been the single
biggest problem with adoption of "advanced languages" is
that they can't talk to the rest of the computer, and they can't
leverage any existing library code. I think that a scheme such as the
one I'm proposing might actually work.
People will suggest that open sourcing the JVM would solve the problem
just as well. Possibly, but I've given up hope that Sun will decide to
open-source Java and the JVM. Even if they do, they'll encumber it
with something like the JCP. Unfortunately, in my opinion, the JCP is
not in the innovation business. It is in the keep things under
control business. If you look at the number of Jakarta projects that
are used in all kinds of software projects, you realize that things
don't have to be standardized by the JCP in order for them to be
adopted broadly. I want to see something that can grow and evolve and
where the best code can win.
Maybe I really am a heretic.
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Prototyping / refactoring
I've noticed something since I've started using Eclipse -- I tend to
refactor my code a lot as I understand it. Eclipse's refactoring
tools take out a fair amount of the pain associated with using a
language like Java for prototyping.
As I've started to play with Python, I find myself reliving some of my
Lisp experience at MIT. I find the Python code to be very succint and
easy to read -- I find that I don't mind the use of space /
indentation as syntax. Since I indented my lisp code all over, so I
find that I am not noticing this at all. The notation that python
provides for lists and maps is one of the things that is making me
very productive. The combination of list comprehensions and slice
notation is very powerful and makes programs shorter. These two
notions are things that Java could benefit from, but there's almost no
chance that we'll see them, because Sun is so committed to not
evolving Java the language. If Java had macros, we could implement
some of this stuff nicely.
One thing I haven't yet gotten used to is the Python object system,
which requires each method to have an explicit self parameter. Having
used Lisp generic functions, this should be no big deal for me, but
having worked mostly in in C++ and Java for the last 7 or 8 years has
kind of braindamaged me. It'll probably take a little time to shake
that out. Interestingly enough, David Mertz has implemented
multimethod dispatch for Python. I haven't played with this, but it
does provide another proof point for the saying that all languages are
destined to reinvent Lisp badly.
Anyway, back to Eclipse and prototyping. I think that if the
refactoring tools are taken far enough, and Java had a kind of macro
language, I would be pretty happy. I'm back to using Emacs to edit
python, which is fine. The only things I miss are integrated help /
code completion and refactoring tools. Oh, and a reasonable interface
to the debugger.
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Thoughts from the Bloggers dinner
I'm writing this on an airplane without connectivity. Try that with
movable type...
Crossroad rocks for an event like this. It has a food court, a big
open space and public access 802.11. The only thing I could think of
that was missing was a bunch of power strips.
I love how you can find an unexpected blessing at an event like this.
A bunch of us were sitting around talking XML geek talk. Don Box and
Miguel de Icaza were talking about RelaxNG / XML Schema. Miguel was
doing the standard "RelaxNG is so much simpler" bit. Don pointed out
that James Clark has a tool, trang,
that will convert RelaxNG schemas into W3C XML Schema. He went on to
point out that if all you wanted RelaxNG for was a simple syntax, then
why not just write RelaxNG and then use those tools to convert them to
Schema. At that point, the lights went on for me. At the last
ApacheCon, Andy Clark and I talked about how much work it would be to
adapt Jing to use
the Xerces XNI
instead of SAX, with the goal of being able to plug the adapted Jing
into Xerces so that Xerces would have support for RelaxNG. We thought
that this would be a way to help more people use RelaxNG. I actually
had started to do this a few weeks ago, before working for food took
priority. After Don's comments, I decide that using James Clark's
trang solves the problem that I wanted to solve, without importing
another large code base into Xerces. RelaxNG advocates will go on to
tell about the schemas that RelaxNG can express that Schema can't, but
I don't care about those cases. Saved me a few weeks work that can go
towards other efforts. That alone made it worth the trip.
Miguel was giving demos of the latest Mono drops, including a Mono
base photo browser. He also showed a compiler bootstrap -- something
only a geek could love. I noticed that many of the Microsoft folks
were paying very close attention to what Miguel was showing and seemed
very impressed and complimentary towards it. Joshua Allen has already
to this effect. I have a few more thoughts on Mono/.Net/CLR that I'll save
for another post.
Sam and I talked about blosxom hacking, python and pybloxsom hacking.
I think it would be awesome if Sam decided to switch to using
pyblosxom. The other thing that we talked about was doing a version
of the Weblog/Metaweblog APIs using SOAP instead of XML-RPC. There's
a technical reason
for doing this, which is that there's no way to multiply categorize an
entry using an XML-RPC based API. As I've posted before, I think that
this is an important feature for blogging software to have. This
would also be a wonderful API to use to consolidate comments and the
various kinds of *Backs s that have been proposed.
Two other notorious bloggers that I met were Dare
Obasanjo and Josh Allen from the XML core technology team at
Microsoft. I was especially pleased to hear Dare say, many of the
people using XML would be just as happy with s-expressions, something
that I've been saying for a while now. I know, we ex-lisp hacker
whine alot.
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