Ted Leung on the air
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Mon, 25 Aug 2003
HP demonstrates structure enhanced blogs
Phil Wolff writes about
HP's structure enhanced blog demonstration, where structured bibligraphy information is added to blog entries. The post is an update of a previous one, but still worth reading. If blogs and HP's bibliographic structure entries had been available when I was a grad student, I would have had a field day. I still have file cabinet's worth of papers in various areas that I read while I was in graduate school, and the BibTeX file with my notes on each paper is lying around on my disk somewhere. It would have been a match made in heaven...
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Sometimes you don't have to reinvent the wheel
Joe, Mark, and Ken prove that you don't always have to reinvent the wheel if you've got the right folks around. The particular issue is authentication in Atom, but the principle is working in the open and hoping that the right person, in this case Ken, is looking at just the moment when he or she can make a difference. Blogs can help -- but it seems like we ought to be able to do even more. That's the idea behind Tim Bray's FOAF virus. Tim applied it to making money, but of course, it applies to any situation where knowing the right person makes all the difference.
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GnuPG 1.2.3
[via the LinuxToday GNU release digest]
GnuPG 1.2.3 is out. Linux/UNIX and Windows versions are available
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