Ted Leung on the air
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Ted Leung on the air: Open Source, Java, Python, and ...
Sat, 28 Jun 2003
During my vacation, the ASF board adopted a resolution replacing me as the chair of the Apache XML project. I've been the chair for over two years, and it was time for a change of faces. Berin Lautenbach, the new chair is full of energy and motivation. I'll still be involved as a member of the PMC, working to facilitate smooth operation and growth of the project.
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Back to the JCP
If you accept the position that standardizing stuff is a good thing -- and I think it is, but only for stuff that has matured, then Mats Henricson
points out that the JCP is unusual in producing not only specification documents but also reference implementations and test suites (TCK's). The IETF's practice is to require two independent/competing implementations for something to be standardized, but doesn't require the test suite.
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Changing the game in music
I agree with everything that Dana Blankenhorn wrote in his
post on how to fight the RIAA.
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But the best thing you can do is keep your wallet in your pocket. No matter how much "law" the RIAA may claim to have on its side you have the ultimate power. If you don't like the terms and conditions under which a product is offered to you, don't buy it.There's one other thing he left out that we could do. Find a way to support artists who are producing music outside of the RIAA.

Alas vacation.
Well, we're back from our brief vacation. The Packwood area is beautiful (it was our first time), and our friends' cabin has a creek going right through the back yard. The kids loved it, Julie loved it, and I loved it. The only thing I didn't love was how short it was. As I slogged through the aggregator backlog, I came upon Russell Beattie's post on Americans and vacation.
I visited Spain last October, and I saw a lot to like, particularly in the way that Spaniards (and Europeans, by extension) use their time. I suppose being the best in the world at running ourselves into the ground is an acheivement, albeit pyrrhic.
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